by Walter Hill

Terms of use

This User Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) governs the relationship between the owners of brokersfxreview.com (hereinafter referred to as Brokers FX Review or Administration) on one and the other side of the site.
The Brokers FX Review website is not a mass media.

You agree to the terms of the agreement.
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Rights and obligations of the parties

The user has the right:

– develops the search for information on the site
– receive information on the site
– comment on the content posted on the site
– use of site information for personal non-commercial purposes

The administration has the right:

– on implementation and the need to create, change, change the rules
– restrict access to any information on the site
– create, modify, delete information

The user undertakes:

– hypersensitivity to information
– do not copy information from other sources
– non-dissemination of information aimed at propaganda of war, incitement of national, racial or religious responsibility and enmity, as well as other information, the dissemination of which provides for criminal or administrative liability
– do not disrupt the functionality of the site
– not to take actions aimed at misleading other Users
– do not use scripts (programs) to automatically collect information and/or interact with the Site and its Services

The administration undertakes:

– to maintain the site’s performance in exceptional cases, when it is impossible due to the owners independent of the Administration.

Responsibility of the parties

– the user personally assumes full responsibility for the information disseminated by him
– the administration does not provide any information about the discovery of information copied from other sources
– the administration is not responsible for the discrepancy between users by the User and real payers
– administration does not require any services related to carbohydrates.
– in the event of a force majeure situation (combat actions, restriction of position, natural disaster, etc.), the Administration does not guarantee the safety of the information posted by the User, as well as the observed operation of the information resource

Terms of the agreement
This Agreement shall enter into force upon the collection of this site.
The agreement is valid indefinitely.
Administrative responsibility for the right unilaterally can be used for implementation.
The administration does not notify users about the use of the Agreement.

The agreement was developed on the basis of legal documents of the Rules service


Our main mission is to tell the truth about companies which offer people to make a profit from their investments and financial deposits. There are many companies that mask their scam activities under the facade of real investment projects. Our articles and reviews can help any potential investor to avoid scam in the world of global finances.

You can comment on any of our materials and contact us via email. If you know any scam projects that were not reviewed by our team, please contact us.

Let’s make a financial world cleaner!



Information posted on the portal brokersfxreview.com, is for informational purposes. The portal administration is not responsible for the loss of financial resources by clients, as well as possible harm caused to them in connection with the published data, including lost profits.


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